When your air conditioner breaks down, repairs can be expensive.

During the dog days of summer, chances are you run your air conditioning constantly.  
No matter what the weather is like out there, always run your air conditioner for at least a few minutes each month. Running the air conditioner on a regular basis helps keep the system lubricated and all the parts working properly.  Run the air conditioner to clear fog off the windows, you will be ensuring that your system runs right when you need it the most.
The most common cause of system failure is a lack of refrigerant.  A proactive approach saves you time and money in the long run.  Every time you have your oil changed or any other scheduled maintenance, check all fluid levels, including your air conditioning refrigerant.  
  • When the systems begins blowing just air, there is a good chance your refrigerant level is low.  A simple recharge of the air conditioning system will chill the car right quick.
  • A lack of air flow indicates that one or more cooling fans may have failed.  Replacing a defective fan in most cases should restore your cooling system.

Schedule a complete air system checkup.
Audia Chevrolet will check and adjust your entire system's operation, including belts, lines, compressor, condenser, temperature gauge, pressure and perform a leak test to keep you cool all summer.

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