A Devastating Tornado Tore Through the Oklahoma City Suburbs

+General Motors pledged $50,000 and a 2013 #Silverado to �Help 4 Oklahoma.� Then on Tuesday, WICD ABC15 Arizona ran a story about an Oklahoma man�s #ChevyTruck which was hurled through the air, tossed and turned, and finally ended on all four tires; even with extensive damage, this man had enough faith in his #Chevy to try and start it up. The engine revved and he called it "American-made goodness."

Chevy owners like him keep us dedicated to designing, building, and selling the world's best trucks for the hardest working men and women out there. Our thoughts continue to be with all those in America's Heartland getting back on their feet after such a devastating storm: http://spr.ly/OKCT

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